Fua'amotu International Airport i Fua'amotu

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Fua'amotu, Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 35-001
Hjemmeside: www.tongaairports.com
Latitude: -21.2410221, Longitude: -175.1495707
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Kommentar 5

  • Do Bo

    Do Bo


    The first time I visited Tonga, I got off the plane and was in customs line and realized in my overtired and jet-lagged state of mind, I left my passport and money in a small personal item carrier on the plane. I was panicking. I made my way back to the door to the ramp, but it was locked as it was late at night and our plane was the last one in. One of the staff asked me what was wrong and after explaining, just opened the door and started walking out to the plane with me. While on the way there, two staff members of the airline were walking back our way with my carrier and all my items. I was so thankful for them that they did this. Very friendly and helpful. Other than that, It's an old and kind of run-down airport, but I really don't mind. You're in the south Pacific now!

  • Nicolas Paroche

    Nicolas Paroche


    Of course it is old airpot, but Tonga is small and there are not much trafic, so it is enough about the context. The main thing was how i was welcomed by Tongians people and the beauty of landscapes, the rest is not really important😊

  • Jaza Tonga

    Jaza Tonga


    The best staff They will help you no matter what. Malo e lelei I love TBU !!!

  • Olivia Pepa

    Olivia Pepa


    How else am I to return to New Zealand comfortably, hence the 5 stars.

  • Vailala Sipu

    Vailala Sipu


    The customer service in this airport is only good enough for animals. The customer service in this airport is by far the worst I have ever experienced. The staff working at the counters are the worst ive dealt with. I am of Tongan descent and have been treated differently from European Caucasian tourists. They're kniving, scandalous, unprofessional, disgusting and absurd behaviour of these people should be displayed for the world to see.

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