Little Italy Hotel i Nuku'alofa

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Vuna Road, Nuku'alofa, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 25-053
Latitude: -21.127243, Longitude: -175.210095
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Kommentar 5

  • Ryle Farrel Stephen

    Ryle Farrel Stephen


    Located in a quiet side of town this is one of the better hotels in Tonga. The restaurant which is well patronized in the evenings serves delicious Italian food. yhe pizza is great. The rooms are spacious and clean too. The wifi connection is excellent. The staff are amazing and quick to respond to any requests. the only negative I had of this place was the breakfast buffet. there is no variety and when you are long term guest it gets boring.

  • V.P. Barreras

    V.P. Barreras


    Lovely comfortable clean rooms. Get a room with a balcony which faces the water, a beautiful view. Staff was very helpful in every way. The downstairs restaurant serves delicious pizza with handmade crust! If I return to Tonga, I will definitely stay here again!

  • B M

    B M


    Following the Cyclone Gita, most of Tonga lost power (and therefore most establishments were unable to open) for weeks, yet Little Italy were able to continue almost uninterrupted service to their guests throughout this difficult period - despite increased business from overflow of other establishments. Very impressed at the effort made by Management to ensure guests remained unaffected. I've been a regular guest at Little Italy since 2016, usually for 7-10 days each stay. Great location on the quiet and picturesque Vuna Rd waterfront - close to town, and has coastline walkway ideal for morning walk/run. Comfortable rooms, the Ocean View rooms have an excellent view! All staff are friendly and professional, and have a great attitude. The breakfast offering is great (fresh fruits, basics, etc. included free). Great evening dining, with a comprehensive Italian cuisine menu - they are also able to bring the meal to your room. The kitchen is accommodating of requests. I have only one suggestion - complimentary water (at least one bottle per guest per day) should be supplied in the room fridge every day as it is not recommended that you drink the tap water in the Pacific Islands.

  • Sanjeewa Warapitiya

    Sanjeewa Warapitiya


    Little Italy back to operation after the Tropical cyclone Gita. As of 22 February 2018 they open rooms with air conditioning even though power is not established in the island. Little Italy located in coastal road with beautiful view but don’t expect beach as it’s rocky coastline. However if you are into pizza this is the place to be in the island.

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    Cute and very clean little place with friendly staff. Bring your own alarm clock. Some rooms have ocean views, some have garden (local) views, which in my opinion are still very interesting. Fairly quiet location and a good spot to go for walks in the afternoons and listen to the locals sing their beautiful songs. My room had a very modern shower set up (strange) - but fun to experiment with.

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