Royal Palace i Nuku'alofa

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Vaha'Akolo Road, Nuku'alofa, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 771 0897
Latitude: -21.1314186, Longitude: -175.200738
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Kommentar 5

  • Puguh A.M

    Puguh A.M


    Nukualofa tonga cool place.. There are new land?

  • Joe M. Turner

    Joe M. Turner


    Can't enter the grounds, but worth a quick visit.

  • Tommaso Castello

    Tommaso Castello


    Ciao for the first time in the UK. I have a good idea to advertise the UK. I have a good idea to advertise the UK. I was a good idea to advertise the same time, the only one of our products are yours to keep the same time as the new year to you, and a half hours.




    The Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Tonga is located in the northwest of the capital, Nukuʻalofa, close to the Pacific Ocean.The wooden Palace, which was built in 1867, is the official residence of the King of Tonga. Although the Palace is not open to the public, it is easily visible from the waterfro

  • Maka Tautuaa

    Maka Tautuaa


    palace is the house of historical of our late late king george tupou the 1 until now tupou vi. and lot of memories.

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