The Tropical Villa i Puke

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Hihifo Road, Puke, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 25-053
Latitude: -21.1370349, Longitude: -175.2397602
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Kommentar 4

  • Angelo C.

    Angelo C.


    Best Apartments, value for money, privacy, munutes from town, fresh fruits availeble to pick right from the plants.

  • Naitoko Tupou

    Naitoko Tupou


    My husband and I stayed here and their services are great. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! The only thing we couldn't stand was the mosquito's but that was it lol

  • Sela Ongosia

    Sela Ongosia


    A beautifully presented place with lovely and very helpful staff. Breakfast each morning was always delicious. I will be booking here again on my next visit. Thanks for making my trip a memorable one. Highly recommended to all.

  • B M

    B M


    A refreshing experience, one of a kind in Tonga - friendly and accommodating staff, excellent value, clean facilities, good location (possibly quietest I've experienced in Tonga), decent air conditioning, secure room, comfortable beds, option to have food delivered to room, impressive breakfast options (complimentary), and a clean pool to enjoy! Have returned several times on work trips, and had the same positive experience each time. Thank you Meleseini, Mele and Manase for your consistent and cheerful hospitality. Malo 'aupito, Brad

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