Friends Cafe i Nuku'alofa

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Taufa'ahau Road, Nuku'alofa, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 22-390
Latitude: -21.1337205, Longitude: -175.1999322
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Kommentar 5

  • Ryle Farrel Stephen

    Ryle Farrel Stephen


    A must visit place when in Nukualofa. The staff (Ana and Latitia) are friendly and will make you feel welcome. The manioc chips are fresh. They also manage the tourist centre and their recommendations were really valuable

  • Heiko Wauer

    Heiko Wauer


    If you want to have a really good breakfast, lunch or dinner or if you´d like to get any kind of information about Tonga this is the place to be! You can book all the island tours straight whilst ordering your beer or coffee. You have free wifi for 75mb and the staff at the café is amazing. Friendly, helpful and always happy. We have been to that place probably 8 times in 7 days of Tongatapu that is how we loved the place.

  • Vueti Laliqavoka

    Vueti Laliqavoka


    Nice place to relax and eat after a hard day's work. Relaxing atmosphere, friendly staff.

  • Francisco Benavides

    Francisco Benavides


    Nice coffee . So friendly and you have to ask for large long black it's bloody good and strong

  • V.P. Barreras

    V.P. Barreras


    My lunch on both days were delicious. Unfortunately, the wifi didn't work and no one seemed to care. The service is adequate and not as friendly as the name suggests. The staff seem to be more friendly amongst themselves. Good food, not much else.

Nærmeste Cafe:

Friends Tourist Center

Salote Road, Nuku'alofa
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