Marco's Pizza Pasta i Nuku'alofa

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Unga Road, Nuku'alofa, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 889 7588
Latitude: -21.1359453, Longitude: -175.1993501
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Kommentar 5

  • Glenn Osborne

    Glenn Osborne


    Review edit: This establishment has done a LOT of work to improve their street appeal and interior decor and more. If I could add an extra half star I would. Original review: This restaurant is a case of "don't judge a book by its cover". As a foreigner standing outside I would have to say that I would have second thoughts about entering. The building is not that attractive. Once inside however you will find a pleasant courtyard and great quality pizzas. The prices are very reasonable also. This establishment is BYO so remember to bring along a nice bottle of wine or a few crisp beers to accompany your meal.

  • John Swales

    John Swales



  • Gabriela Berto

    Gabriela Berto


    It's just delicious. We tried two pizzas one night, and had to return for other two. Very well done.

  • manase soakai

    manase soakai


    Delightful atmosphere of live music and Delicious homemade pizza and excellent customer service a place for family and friends dining .

  • Tadeusz Piszel

    Tadeusz Piszel


    Not a bad pizza. Probably best on the island. Haven't tried any pasta's. Unfortunately they don't have licence to serve alcohol but you're allowed to BYO.

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