Meida Hotel i Nuku'alofa

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Tonga, Nuku'alofa, salote rd, fasi, Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu
Kontakter telefon: +676 22-193
Latitude: -21.1381569, Longitude: -175.1926943
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Kommentar 5

  • Thomas Sapia

    Thomas Sapia


  • David Frederick

    David Frederick


    New hotel. Needs some more work but great service, friendly people and nice rooms

  • 정수영



    많이 깨끗하지는 않습니다. 직원은 친절합니다. 아침식사는 토스트와 쥬스 과일 3가지가 나왔으며 컵은 깨끗하지 않습니다

  • Jenny Palalagi-Taulagaono

    Jenny Palalagi-Taulagaono


    29/12/17 - 6/01/18 Friendly staff, however the Hotel itself could do with a lot of TLC. Our rooms were comfortable however the bathrooms were only replenished with towels etc but toilets, showers and sinks were never wiped down daily. Water cooler bottle in the main entrance was covered in mold and it looked like the bottle was refilled with tap water rather than replacing cooler with new bottle. Breakfast was okay, however the watermelon and Pawpaw was never fresh therefore it was never eaten by anyone. WiFi was available however the hassle of going down stairs to replace cards because of wrong passwords or the card exceeding its 150mb became annoying. Meida Hotel has a lot of potential to reach the 5 star quality it deserves if managed by professional management. I regret not taking photos as this would have backed my statement in regards to the areas that needs to be addressed. I hope to return to Meida Hotel in the near future but just know that it wont be my first choice of accommodation. Malo 'Aupito

  • Veisinia Hufanga

    Veisinia Hufanga


    Awsome hotel, friendly stuff, clean rooms.

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