Queen Salote College i Nuku'alofa

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Hihifo Road, Nuku'alofa, TO Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 22-962
Latitude: -21.1356802, Longitude: -175.205707
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Kommentar 5

  • Anna Tapuosi

    Anna Tapuosi


    This is one of the worst school at Tonga. My daughter wanted to go to that school, so I sent her to Q.S.C.... And she regrets everything,cause she was bullied by her classmates and even some teachers...so I wouldn't recommend it...

  • TFT 67

    TFT 67


    Once you become a unga you'll always be a 'unga. 'Uha pe la'a 'unga pe tene lava. THanks for tasking care of me QSC from 2008-2015 what a great effort. Never give up on preparing a good women for the future.

  • Vaimoui Tapuosi

    Vaimoui Tapuosi


    It was the worst school ever. I went their for 2 term and then i went home because kids were pulling me they took my perfume and even my name, without telling me. And even are teacher hitting me, and I know i'm not suppouse to to say her name but her name is Siu Palu she is the meanest teacher in thins whole wide world..If there was a zero rate i would rate. People are being mean and being disrespectful.. This is one of the worst school in the world i won't recomended to you guy... Thank you

  • mosi unga

    mosi unga


  • Henry J & Bella Cocker

    Henry J & Bella Cocker


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