Scenic Hotel Tonga i Fuaamotu

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1 Airport Rd, Fuaamotu, Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 35-678
Latitude: -21.238239, Longitude: -175.133569
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Kommentar 5

  • Anirudh Pareek

    Anirudh Pareek


    Never visited in this gorgeous island kingdom of TONGA , as per the reviews I would certainly visit this fantabulous island hotel for my birthday , mostly for a week or more to explore the country too. Mainly I would prefer this hotel as per the location and scenic environment. I bet my birthday would go very calmly and peacefully. And a big gift from the hotel is non other than its own environment.

  • Tony Halliwell

    Tony Halliwell


    Always have a great stay at the Scenic Tonga. Staff are always friendly and eager to help. Rooms are comfortable and roomy. All in all a home from home. Tony Halliwell

  • Clyde Guerreiro

    Clyde Guerreiro


    I decided to take a weekend break in Tonga. I have lived in Tonga, near Nukualofa, since May 10, 2017. Normally, I would jump on a plane and go overseas. However the thought of long airport waits, delayed or cancelled flights, immigration and customs did not attract me. Thus I stayed at the Scenic Hotel Fuamotou. I was pleasantly surprised by the hotel and the friendly atmosphere and personnel.

  • Judy Williamson

    Judy Williamson


    We found the staff very friendly and accommodated. Rooms clean and food good. Great Pizzaz. Not too sure is there was a working smoke alarm in our room. They forgot to leave milk for coffee the last 2 days of the stay. It is a shame the elevator is not working.

  • Craig C

    Craig C


    Nice place close to the airport. If you plan on remaining on this Island then I would recommend it. It's well located away from noisy areas. Food is good, staff very helpful and the pool and rooms are nice. Please do keep in mind this is not a high end resort hotel.

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