The Black Pearl Suites i Tongatapu

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Tongatapu, Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676 28-393
Latitude: -21.1242048, Longitude: -175.2227383
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Kommentar 3

  • Sexy 28

    Sexy 28


    Friendly service from management and great views

  • Robert Bolton

    Robert Bolton


  • Sian Alston

    Sian Alston


    I stayed at this hotel for a work trip and I loved it. The staff were very friendly and was always prompt to attend to any thing requested or complaint about. The restaurant, food was very delicious, but very expensive. I guess it is because of the serving but if you order something make sure to ask for half the size. My room was very clean and spacious. I had no problem with the location as I had a rental car. It is very private, quite and what I most love about it is that you feel at home.

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