Tongatapu i Tongatapu

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Tongatapu, Tonga
Kontakter telefon: +676
Latitude: -21.1465968, Longitude: -175.2515482
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandy Millar

    Sandy Millar


    We han a great 7 days in Tonga. My advice is to get a rental car, you will see much more of this beautiful place

  • Sarah Noema

    Sarah Noema


    Beautiful Friendly Islands😊

  • The Spook

    The Spook


    The main island of Tonga. It is a mixture of old world and semi-modern world. The Chinese are pumping massive amounts of money into the island but not at the benefit of the locals who seem to exist with almost nothing. The Tongans are a wonderfully happy people who never seem to be at issue with anything. The speed limit is a maximum of 70kph in a few places but the population as a whole are never in a hurry to get anywhere so it's generally around the 20 to 30kph mark. This is a wonderful part of the world and not what I was expecting.

  • Virginia Tupou

    Virginia Tupou


    Great experience, the different resorts and cultural food

  • Veisinia Hufanga

    Veisinia Hufanga


    My stay in tonga was awsome loved it, loads of family, keeping you company. Ofa atu tonga 😘

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Telekisitela Lake

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