'Oholei Beach Resort TO

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Kontakter telefon: +676 777 8713
Hjemmeside: www.oholeibeachresort.com
Latitude: -21.2381476, Longitude: -175.0993015
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Kommentar 5

  • Ramona England

    Ramona England


    Humble host and family. Delicious meal, entertainment fantastic. Devine evening.

  • Shaundey Makata Kimi

    Shaundey Makata Kimi


    Lovely place and workers. Down falls is to always make sure you ask staff about the food. Last time I was there I returned back to NZ with food poisoning from the warm raw fish I ate there. Double check for your safety as we know they don't do food safety and food grading in Tonga.

  • Moritz Hubl

    Moritz Hubl


    Location looks nice but the cancelled the show with dinner few hours before. Restaurant not open for day guests either.

  • Tomasi Nuku

    Tomasi Nuku


    The food is always great. The owners are fantastic hosts. Highly recommend this spot to all visitors.

  • Colby Raley

    Colby Raley


    Lovely Friday night feast and cultural show. Not remotely flash and not a ton of vegetarian food, but an incredibly warm and heart-felt welcome. Loved the cultural stories in addition to the show. The performers were engaged and excellent at their craft. Buffet starts at 8 pm with the show afterwards and the $15 ride to and from town would be totally worth it.

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